Take a break, dear family. Step outside with us for a day of unforgettable fun.
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“That day out on the water was a great break from reality! We still look back on it and smile.”
– Patty Furco, mom

“Hooked on Hope VB creates opportunities that bring our pediatric cancer families and their community together. With each cast, we are able to build memories full of joy and laughter. It’s an experience to fight a different fight. We become grounded with the earth and escape fear, by replacing it with a sense of serenity and hope. Strength grows in moments where you realize you’re not alone.”
– Lovett Family, volunteers

“I never knew you could catch a turtle with a fishing pole! It was really fun but turtles are heavy!”
– Merida, age 7

“Hooked on Hope VB gave us new family experiences. They gave us both a chance to push the world of cancer to the side with their family fishing trips and a chance for fellowship with other childhood cancer families with their Fish Again experience. Most of all, Hooked on Hope VB reminded us that we’re not forgotten, even once off-treatment.”
– Chris Leach, mom

“Our daughter was undergoing treatment for Leukemia, has high functioning autism, and had never been fishing before. I wasn’t sure how she would react. She ended up absolutely loving it and caught her first fish! I’m really thankful for this wonderful memory…”
– Alicia Viragh, mom